What is play therapy?
Play therapy is a way for children to express their emotional, psychological and behavioural difficulties with a trained therapist through play. Play therapy provides a safe space for your child as we explore their needs and work towards goals to improve skills and development, so they become more confident and capable individuals. 

How does play therapy benefit my child?
Play therapy supports your child to:

Improve their ability to communicate.

Regulate their emotions.

Develop problem solving skills. 

Work through feelings of anxiety and stress. 

Enhance social relationships.

Develop play skills. 

Do I need to get a referral to see a play therapist?
Some therapists do ask for referrals so make sure you ask the play therapist you are looking to book in with. 

Who can benefit from play therapy?

Children who experience the following can benefit from play therapy:

Anxiety/depression                                    Social difficulties
Separation anxiety                                     Aggressive behaviour 

Bullying                                                        Low self confidence.
Low self-esteem                                         ASD
ADHD                                                           Selective Mutism 

Intellectual disability                                 Parental separation or divorce
Grieg and loss. 

How often does my child see a play therapist?
It is recommended that a child sees a play therapist once a week for consistency and growth in the sessions. It is also recommended that children, depending on their needs, access play therapy for a minimum of 15-20 sessions.

Is my child able to see a play therapist if they are not part of the NDIS or have private health insurance?
Yes. You will be considered a private client to the play therapist you are seeing.

Are you able to see my child at school/kindergarten?

Mobile play therapy is available to families who aren’t able to access therapy within a play room. This is subject availability and travel costs may be included.

Will the play therapist update me after each session?

It is important to understand that as a therapist we follow privacy and confidentiality laws in our practice. As your child moves through therapy, your therapist will have a mid point meeting with you to discuss your child and how they are progressing. Another parent meeting will be held at the end of the therapy sessions to discuss the overall process.

Can I ask my child about their play therapy session?

We recommend that following your child's session that you don't ask a lot of questions like, "did you have fun?" or "what did you do?". We understand that children need time to process their session and gently remind parents that sessions can be hard work for children. Instead, welcome your child after their session openly and calmly.

Your child may decide later to discuss their session with you when they are ready.